Fire in the sky dominated the heavens
This evening
As the pacific ocean swallowed the sun
With a defiant flash of emerald.

Only a day earlier, the ocean
Was not so pacific.
Its power surf uniting with the rising tide
To explode against the high rocks.

Darkness came early to the beach
On the sheltered lee of the island.
We lay in our tent
Listening to the rain patter its way
To earth in the rainforest behind us
Oblivious to the changes that were coming.
We heard the crash of water on rock
On the distance western shore.

And then the wind shifted.
The storm conspiring with the sequestered Full Moon
To bring the rising tide nearer our abode.

Sizzling surf soon engulfed the flat beach
In harmony with the wind moaning through the firs.
How close was it coming?
The tarpaulin beat a fast tatoo overhead.
An army in full march?
The drumming of rain added to the invasion.
Was our beach sheltered enough
For this summer storm?
When would I know?

I looked at you sleeping beside me
As I had for many nights.
You seemed so at peace
For so wild a night and such primitive conditions.
I prayed your dreams would be also at peace.
I will lay awake here and watch over you
Keeping you free from the wind and rain and sea.
Hold me in your dreams
As I have held you in mine.