Songs of the Storm King

The song of the Storm King may seem purely
An instrumental piece --
With winds,
Rhythm section and brass.
Some played in unison,
Some in harmony,
Some in discord,
Some in the silent interludes
That define the song.

But there are words to the song too.
The Weatherwise hear and understand them.

Joyous words
Of emotion and feeling.

Informative words
Riding unseen eddies.

Spiritual words
Defining Place
Where matter
Co-joins with energy.

Listen very closely
And you'll hear them.
They ride rain as well as wind,
Emanate from snowflake and rainbow,
Flash with lightning and thunder
Late at night or during midday
Always in motion
Never able to rest.

Once you know the words
To the song of the Storm King
You will
Never see heavy weather again
Without hearing them resonate
In your mind.


© 2006 Keith C. Heidorn. All rights reserved.