Thoughts on Life-Long Learning

Expanding The Mind: Introduction

In Expanding the Mind we intend to explore topics on all aspects of learning and mind enhancement what I like to call Transpersonal Education. I firmly believe that learning is a life-long practice which starts at birth and does not end with a diploma or certificate some twenty-five years latter but with our death. Rather than start out on some specific topic, I have decided to let some of my teachers speak.

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Serendipity 101

Serendipity is a fun way to improve your knowledge base and your life. I have realized that the processes of formal education have become too structured and misguided, and therefore usually stifle the creative process. Since learning to direct my own education, I have discovered that following the path of serendipity provides the most fun and the greatest and fastest gain in knowledge and wisdom.

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Forever Learning, Forever Young

Learning brings joy and ecstasy to living from the playfulness of learning as well as the sense of accomplishment. Where there is joy, the quality of life increases exponentially, the immune system is enhanced and the future looks brighter. Learn to make learning a part of your everyday routine and you will stay forever young in mind and spirit.

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Recreation and Re-Creation

Recreation and education are strongly linked companions. Recreation must thus be an active stance, not a passive one where we let others control our actions and thoughts. In active play, I open myself to all possibilities — some I quickly embrace, others I find uninteresting. By expanding my mind through learning and play, I am re-creating myself.

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A Personal Quote Book

When I look at all the wisdom surrounding me today, I find so much that strikes a resonant note within. Sometimes it inspires me; sometimes it gives me comfort; sometimes it guides me to a decision or action. Whatever my response, I wish to keep many of those thoughts for easy future reference.

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The Metaphor

One device that can be used to enhance and balance the thinking process appears to speak to both sides of the brain: the metaphor. The metaphor consists of word images connecting an idea to something it cannot be. It allows us to replace one kind of thought with another, usually one which is more familiar.

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Playing To Learn

Recreation and education are strongly linked companions. Recreation must thus be an active stance, not a passive one where we let others control our actions and thoughts. In active play, I open myself to all possibilities — some I quickly embrace, others I find uninteresting.

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The Healing Chords

Are you tuned in to the feelings and needs of your body and emotions? What is the sound of the music of your soul? How many of us use music to reduce our levels of stress or to buoy a sagging soul? It has been said that music can still the savage breast. How true. And music can do much more. It has powers of healing for body and mind.

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Breathing The Air

Breathing is energizing. When the air is clean, the lungs strong, and the body relaxed, the body can develop to its peak potential, acquiring a greater sense of power and balance, awareness and mental sharpness. When the rhythm is right, all is in harmony. Deep and rhythmic breathing will assist our bodies to heal, promote relaxation and improve mental and emotional functioning.

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Watching the Breath

A companion piece for Breathing the Air giving an energizing breathing exercise. Good times to do this exercise is in the morning upon rising and at night before going to bed. In the morning, it is a good energizer to start the day. Before bed, it helps to relax you.

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Regaining Wonder

On my way home yesterday, I glanced upward and noticed the first blossoms had emerged on the cherry trees. Changes abound in the mood of the bird population as well. If they are singing their hearts out, it is serious stuff: mating season has arrived. My thoughts, however, were not on sex, mating or reproduction; they focused on play. Play of greater than Olympic proportions. Play unfettered by rules and expectations. Play more child-like than adult.

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