Expanding The Mind: Introduction

In Expanding the Mind we intend to explore topics on all aspects of learning and mind enhancement what I like to call Transpersonal Education. I firmly believe that learning is a life-long practice which starts at birth and does not end with a diploma or certificate some twenty-five years latter but with our death. Rather than start out on some specific topic, I have decided to let some of my teachers speak.

Transpersonal education is "the process of exposing people to the mysterious within themselves and then getting out of the way so you don't get run over." "In transpersonal education, the learner is encouraged to be awake and autonomous, to question, to explore all the corners and crevices of conscious experience, to seek meaning, to test outer limits, to check out frontiers and depths of self." Marilyn Ferguson in The Aquarian Conspiracy

"You never know when an adventure is going to happen." Christopher Morley

"Genius is simply a different way of looking at things." William James

"Everyone is ignorant, only on different subjects." Will Rogers

"The obscure we see eventually. The completely obvious it seems to take longer." Edward R. Murrow

"Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence." Robert Frost

"That our educational system is not designed to teach us the "secrets of life" is no secret. In school, we learn how to do everything - except how to live." Peter McWilliams

"I never let my schooling interfere with my education." Mark Twain

"The teacher doesn't teach anything. All he does is give the student topics to think about. The only person who can teach you is you." Milton Friedman

"Our culture's great learning disability, an educational system that emphasizes being "right" at the expense of being open. The fear of learning - and transformation - is the inevitable product of such a system." Marilyn Ferguson

"Don't turn away from possible futures before you're certain you don't have anything to learn from them." Richard Bach

"The best thing for being sad is to learn something. That is the only thing that never fails....Learn why the world wags and who wags it." Merlin - T.E. White

"The education that stifles play stifles creativity." George Sheehan

"Everything of importance is already known, the only thing is to rediscover it." Anon.

"The best and most important of every man's education is that which he gives himself." Edward Gibbon

"Books are the fountain of wisdom. They take us where we cannot go in person." Denis Waitley

"Those not open to new ideas seldom read books that contain new ideas." Peter McWilliams

"Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence." Abigail Adams

"Let a man step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." Henry David Thoreau

"To learn is to change. Education is the process that changes the learner." George B. Leonard

"We learn simply by exposure of living. Much that passes for education is not education at all but ritual." David P. Gardner

"If we are not learning and teaching, we are not wake and alive. Leaning is not only like health, it is health." Marilyn Ferguson

"Only the curious will learn and only the resolute overcome the obstacles to learning." Eugene S. Wilson

"I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam; I looked into the soul of the boy next to me." Woody Allen

"Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." Ralph Waldo Emerson

"A mind once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimension." Unknown

"Sometimes you just have to get away, open your mind up like a window and let the fresh ideas blow in." Richard Moran in Earth Winter

"Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must act." Bruce Lee