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The Elders Speak

About Winter


The day after the first frost, when the old country store fired its pot-bellied stove, usually marked the beginning of winter. That was the time of the year when screen doors were taken down and stacked away in a back room, chairs were taken in from the porch to be placed around the stove, and a new barrel of crackers appeared withing arm's reach.
Eric Sloane

I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure in the landscape -- the loneliness of it -- the dead feeling of winter. Something waits beneath it -- the whole story doesn't show.
Andrew Wyeth

Winter Begins by Keith C. Heidorn,
Watercolour Painting on Paper
©2006, All Rights Reserved, Artist's Collection.

Winter lies too long in country towns; hangs on until it is stale and shabby, old and sullen.
Willa Cather, My Antonia

Winter creeps in, silent as the stars; only when it is full upon us will it howl around the house corner and rattle its icy knuckles at the door and windows.
Hal Borland

In winter, when the fields are white,
I sing this song for your delight—
Lewis Carroll

Hunter's Moon by Keith C. Heidorn,
Acrylic Painting on Paper
©2006, All Rights Reserved, Artist's Collection.

Frost is the fringe of winter, a borderline creation that forms on leaf margins at the edge of dawn. Frost is a special season bonus for those who rise with the dawn....a thick white stubble, a hoary night beard.
David Cavagnaro

How ironic that trees get naked in winter and we pile on extra clothes.
Diane Ackerman, Cultivating Delight

Search the first winter snow storm for a symphonic arrangement: it is always there.
Carl Sandburg

The January wind has a hundred voices. It can scream, it can bellow, it can whisper, it can sing a lullaby. It can roar through the leafless maples and shout down the mountainside and it can murmur through the white pines below the ledges where the lichens make strange hieroglyphics. It can whistle down a chimney and set a hearth fire dancing. In the cold of the lonely night it can rattle the sash and stay there muttering of ice and snow banks and deep-frozen ponds.
Hal Borland

[Winter] was a time for storing up, for replenishing reserves. Except for the howling blizzards and the sleetstorm, it was a quiet business.
David Cavagnaro

There are two different seasons in the winter when the ice of the river and meadows and ponds is bare — blue or green, a vast glittering crystal — and when it is all covered with snow and slosh; and our moods correspond. The former may be called crystalline winter.
Henry David Thoreau

We sometimes wonder why the City Government tilts so vigorously at the snow. The first flake has hardly fluttered down when every infernal machine in town is rushing to do battle. Is snow such poisonous stuff?
E.B. White

In the bleak midwinter
Frosty wind made moan,
Earth stood hard as iron,
Water like a stone;
Snow had fallen, snow on snow,
Snow on snow,
In the bleak midwinter,
Long ago.
Christina Georgina Rosetti, A Christmas Carol

The winter fist began to unclench a little.
John Hay

In the icicled dreamtime of December in upstate New York, the fields deepen in opalescent snow, horses wear platform shoes created by snow strata sticking to their hooves, and ice storms turn barbed wire fences into a string of stars.
Diane Ackerman

...winter weather is often cold enough to make a polar bear purr.
Eric Pinder

There are winter mornings when the cold without only adds to the cold within, and the more it snows and the more it blows, brighter the fires blaze.
Emily Dickinson

Winter Rest by Keith C. Heidorn,
Watercolour Painting on Paper ©2006, All Rights Reserved, Artist's Collection.

We are on a winter schedule, which means that we are in a five-day weather cycle. The summer cycle is a seven-day rhythm.
Hal Borland

To make a perfect winter day like this, you must have a clear, sparkling air, with a sheen from the snow, sufficient cold, little or no wind; and the warmth must come directly from the sun. It must not be a thawing warmth. The tension of nature must not be relaxed.
Henry David Thoreau

I had been huddled beside the fire one winter night, with the wind prowling outside and shaking the windows.
Loren Eiseley

The inhabitants of cities suppose that the country landscape is pleasant only half the year. I please myself with the graces of the winter scenery and believe that we are as much touched by it as by the genial influences of summer.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Urban Blizzard
by Keith C. Heidorn
Oil on Canvas Paper, 24x12 inches
©2007, All Rights Reserved

Winter simplifies.
Edwin Way Teale

Through the weeks of deep snow we walked above the ground on fallen sky...
Wendell Berry

There's one good thing about snow, it makes your lawn look as nice as your neighbor's.
Clyde Moore

I've come to learn its winter driving I hate. Give me a snowscape on foot, and a wonderland emerges before my eyes.
Keith C. Heidorn, The Weather Doctor

Winter is a hammer swung by a strong, invisible hand. it splits boulders into rubble, chops mountainsides into neatly packaged loads of pebbles and clay that are light enough for rivers and rainwater to carry to the sea.
Eric Pinder

In the deepest darkest heart of winter when the sky resembles bad banana baby food for months on end and the witch measles that meteorologists call drizzle are a chronic gray rash on the skin of the land, folks all around me sink into a dismal funk...I grow happier with each fresh storm, each thickening of the crinkly stratocumulus...
Tom Robbins

The cold was our pride, the snow was our beauty. It fell and fell, lacing day and night together in a milky haze, making everything quieter as it fell, so that winter seemed to partake of religion in a way no other season did, hushed, solemn.
Patricia Hampl

And for the season it was winter, and they that know the winters of that country know them to be sharp and violent, and subject to cruel and fierce storms . . .and the whole country, full of woods and thickets, represented a wild and savage hue.
William Bradford, Of Plymouth Plantation

Snow Squall by Keith C. Heidorn,
Oil Painting on Canvas ©2006, All Rights Reserved.

Often our winter snowfalls are preceded by a windless waiting time, a sense of listening, of expectations everywhere. At other times, the storm pounces, arrives with a rush and the fall of snow is heavy from the beginning.
Edwin Way Teale

Oh winter! One never, never loses the surprise and wonder of new fallen snow, that inexplainable something that touches the core of your innermost being as you stand in your nightie shivering and amazed at the pure glory of the transformation.
Emily Carr

Cold is our element and winter's air
Brings voices as of lions coming down.
Wallace Stevens The Sun This March.

Of the four seasons, spring entices, summer makes you welcome, autumn gives you a lingering farewell, but winter remains aloof. We think of it as harsh and uncomprimising. We speak of the dead months, the night of the year, the return of the ice age, the winter of our discontent. Yet, paradoxically, in its own way, winter is a time of superlative life. Frosty air sets our blood to racing. The nip of the wind quickens our step.
Edwin Way Teale

Oh, what a blamed uncertain thing
This pesky weather is!
It blew and snew and then it thew,
And now, by jing, it's friz!
Philander Johnson

Winter on the Eramosa River,
Rockwood, Ontario
by Keith C. Heidorn,
WatercolourPainting on Paper ©2006, All Rights Reserved.

The winter storms of snow and cold are ruled by a person sometimes called the Coldmaker. He is white, not as the white man is white, but rather like the snow, and is clad in white and rides a white horse. He brings the storm, riding in the midst of it and some people have the power to call him and bring on a snowstorm.
George Bird Grinnell

No summer is long enough to take away the winter. The winter always comes.
Barry Lopez

We live in a country that experiences real winter every year. Why are we always surprised, and upset about it? Get yourself some warm clothing, and enjoy the season! Skate outdoors, go tobogganing, go skiing! There is no use being miserable for a quarter of your life!
Ed Robertson, Canadian Musician with Barenaked Ladies

Gray fighting winter winds, come along on the tearing blizzard tails, the snouts of the hungry hunting storms, come fighting gray in winter.
Carl Sandburg

The winter with its snow and ice, is not an evil to be corrected. It is as it was designed and made to be, for the artists has had leisure to add beauty to use.
Henry David Thoreau

The summer chair
rocking by itself
In the blizzard
Jack Kerouac

Every winter when I see what snow and ice can do to life in the cities I think how improvidently we have organized urban existence.
Hal Borland

Old Tyme Winter: The images that that phrase evokes are almost invariably nostalgic -- appealing, even comforting, and, yes, warm. What a word to apply to the memory of a climate so frigid it could feeze the eyelids together!
Pierre Berton

Whenever some old-timer tries to tell you that the old fashioned winter was worst than the example we've just had, put him down as an imaginative chap.
John Williams

Great winter itself looked like a precious gem, reflecting rainbow colors from one angle.
Henry David Thoreau

The whine of cold snow underfoot is winter music, like nothing else in the world.
Hal Borland

The sky has for me become one of possibilities, just as have winter, ice and snow; which I no longer regard as burdens, prisons, or tortures, but rather as a new form of freedom.
Pierre Trottier

Winter tends to be a season which dwellers of cold regions try vehemently to deny.
Norman Pressman

The first flakes of snow drifting lazily down from a sullen sky, herald the onset of winter. How innocent they look -- as soft, as gentle, as fluffy as a child's stuffed animal.
Pierre Berton

Many of the phenomena of Winter are suggestive of an inexpressible tenderness and fragile delicacy. We are accustomed to hear this king described as a rude and boisterous tyrant; but with the gentleness of a lover he adorns the tresses of Summer.Henry David Thoreau, Walden

In the depths of winter I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.
Albert Camus

It is a pleasure to the real lover of Nature to give winter all the glory he can, for summer will make its own way and speak its own praises.
Dorothy Wordsworth

With winter will come a new earth and seasonal smell, fierce and keen and very real — the smell of snow
Henry Beston, Northern Farm

Winter...has its own suspense and violence, its roars and silences...an inwardness and resistance...
John Hay

Superior Light by Keith C. Heidorn,
Oil Painting on Canvas ©2006, All Rights Reserved.

There are two seasonal diversions that can ease the bite of any winter. One is the January thaw. The other is the seed catalogues.
Hal Borland

When one has faith that the spring thaw will arrive, the winter winds seem to lose some of their punch.
Robert L. Veninga

Winter is the one season that seems interminable. Although we greet the first feathery fall of snow with pleasure, we are fed up with it by February. "Will it never end?" we ask, knowing that the bitter winds of March still lie ahead.
Pierre Berton

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The Elders Speak: About Winter ©2006, Keith C. Heidorn, PhD. All Rights Reserved.
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