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The Elders Speak

Wilson "Snowflake" Bentley on Snow Crystals


It is a delicate puzzle of geometrical beauty, this tabletop from fairyland, like a spider's web frosted as it floated through the air.

As the last belated cloud legions...were passing overhead...they contribute a few more choice examples of snow crystal architecture as souvenirs of the skill of the Divine Artist.

The snow crystals...come to us not only to reveal the wonderous beauty of the minute in Nature, but to teach us that all the earthly beauty is trascent and must soon fade away.

But always from the very beginning, it was the snowflakes that fascinated me most! The farm-folk up in the north country dread the winter; but I was extremely happy, from the day the first snow fell....until the last one...

Nature's storehouse of these frozen jewels appears to be inexhaustible. In all likelihood 10,000 years from now, snowflake collectors will still be discovering forms new to to science and never before seen by mortal eye.

Snow Crystals photographed by Wilson A. Bentley

Under the microscope I found that snowflakes were miracles of beauty; and it seemed a shame that this beauty should not be seen and appreciated by others.

Every crystal was a masterpiece of design; and no one design was ever repeated. When a snowflake melted, that design was forever lost.

There is no surer road to fairyland than that which leads to the observation of snow forms. To such a student, the winter storm is no longer a gloomy phenomenon to be dreaded. Even a blizzard becomes a source of keenest enjoyment and satisfaction, as it brings to him, from the dark, surging ocean of clouds, forms that thrill his eager soul with pleasure.

Quick, the first flakes are falling, the couriers of the coming snowstorm; open the skylight, and directly under it place the carefully prepared blackboard, and on whose ebony surface, the most minute form of frozen beauty may be welcomed from cloudland.

Snow Crystals photographed by Wilson A. Bentley

It is a delicate puzzle of geometrical beauty, this tabletop from fairyland, like a spider's web frosted, as it floated through the air.

Could it be that. through some strange freak of accident or providence, the one man who loves the snowflake most had been born at the most favorable spot on earth for the study and photography of them [snowflakes]?

It is extremely improbable that anyone has yet found or, indeed, will ever find, the one pre-eminantly beautiful and symmetrical snow crystal that nature has probably fashioned when in her most artistic mood.

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The Elders Speak: Wilson "Snowflake" Bentley on Snow Crystals ©2012, Keith C. Heidorn, PhD. All Rights Reserved.
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